Tuesday, November 22, 2005


0是Null、1是Eins、2是Zwei、3是Drei、4是Vier、5是Fuenf、6是Sechs、7是Sieben、8是Acht、9是Neun、10是Zehn、11是Elf、12是Zwoelf、13是Dreizehn、14是Vierzehn、15是Fuenfzehn、16是Sechzehn、17是Siebzehn、18是Achtzehn、19是Neunzehn、20是Zwanzig、30是Dreissig、40是vierzig、50是fuenfzig、60是Sechzig、70是Siebzig、80是Achtzig、90是Neunzig、100是Ein Hundert、1000是Ein Tausend、100000是Ein Hundert Tausend。
7533964→fuenf siebzig drei driessig sechs neunzig fier
時間是1987年:Das Jahr ist Neunzehn Sieben Achtzig
23.7→Drei Zwoelf komma Sieben
+ plus、- minus、* mal、/ durch


Sunday, November 20, 2005

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

All right! This is my first Potter movie in theater. Thanks for IMAX system that provides the best vision quality. I have an oppertunity to enjoy the latest one and get a window to see the Potter's world - the darkside. I don't read any one of the original novels therefore I cannot tell the gap between the original and the movie. Just like the three previous ones, the story always locks on Potter and his nemesis, the Dark Lord Voldemort.
One thing that I never understand is why does every evil lord in all fantasy care about his own foe so much? Revenge or conquest of whole world, which one is the most important for a mighty Mr. or Mrs. evil? The answer in Hollywood movies is always clouded by the script writer. However, it is always a cliched end that the good guy defeats the evil one, not including the fourth Potter production. After I watched this movie, the first feeling came into my brain is astonishment. I question why does a movie for kids contain a little of conspirasy, a little of political staff, lot of romance, and a lots of Die Leiden Des Jungen Werthers? Fortunately, this movie enters PG-13 territory - it means that some parts in this are not for all kids. In other words, some material may be inappropriate for children under 13. Should we tell the kids that the real world is so much cruel in this way? If the answer is yes, how do we discuss the dark side of our society with kids? Just tell them that you have your friends, like the way of Prof. Dumbledore in the end of this movie?
My critique and complaint are almost over. Frankly, it's totally a standard Hollywood production. You can find friendship, love story, funny scences, junk dialogs, action, exiting adventure, and all elements used in Hollywood movies in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. If you can ignore the impertinent discussion about the dark side and shadow of humanity, the fourth Potter movie will provide the best entertainment and it only takes you 2.5 hours. Why not call your friends and have a wonderful experience with Potter, Hermione, and Ron?
